
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Baby Food Jars Reorganized, Repurposed and Upcycled to Spice Jars!

Did I mention that I’m totally addicted to Pinterest? It’s completely true. Although, I did see this idea on the blog Mod Podge Rocks before my Pinterest days. Pinterest did remind me though! So, here is my version.


Baby Food Jars – from a fellow freecycler (yahoo group that I love!) I used 4 oz jars.

Scrap Book paper – I bought this for another project and didn’t end up using it but couldn’t return it. Who knew Joanne’s doesn’t let you return clearance items?

Mod Podge - I always have this on hand!

Label Maker – I completely love the Martha Stewart one my Mother-in-law got me over 10 years ago for one of my bridal shower gifts.



Goo Gone


1. Assemble Baby food jars. I got mine through a post on freecycle. If you haven’t heard of freecycle, you should check it out through Yahoo groups. In this case, I replied to a post for free baby food jars. Chris gave me 30 jars, for free of course!

2.  Remove labels.  I soaked mine in hot water and they came right off.  Goo Gone took care of the remaining glue.

3. Prime the lids. This step might not be necessary depending on your spray paint but I did it without really thinking about it first.

4. Spray paint the lids. I used a Rustoleum black spray paint.

5. Find a circle to trace. I used a spice jar lid that was about the size I wanted for my scrap book paper. I traced circles on the back of my scrap paper and cut out the circles.

6. Use Mod Podge to apply the scrap book circles to the lids. Apply Mod Podge on the back of the paper and then put another coat over the top. After that coat dried, I applied a second coat over the paper for good measure.

7. Use a label maker and work out the settings so that the label would fit on top of the scrap book paper.

8. Label each jar.


I really like how this project turned out. The scrapbook paper coordinates nicely with my kitchen and shelf liner. Our spices are finally organized!

This is what I did with the duplicate spices and the spices that didn’t completely fit in the jar. You would be surprised how much actually fits in a baby food jar.

Above the microwave

I use these baskets in all of my high shelves in my kitchen cabinets. They are from The Container Store but I think you can get them on Amazon too. I’m on the shorter side so it saves me a lot time climbing step stools and allows me to make better use of my cabinet space.

More pinterest projects to come! I can’t wait!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Upcycled Thumb Tacks!

I’m on a quest to beautifully organize the inside of our upcycled computer armoire. So, I took plain thumb tacks, gorilla glue and buttons to create decorative push pins for the bulletin board inside the armoire.


(reused from a flower arrangement)

Gorilla Glue
(I always have this on hand)

Button Collection
(Everyone has one of these!)

Thumb Tacks

Rubber Gloves
(You don’t want to get Gorilla Glue all over your fingers! I know this from experience!)

My Steps:

1. Insert thumb tack in foam, leaving space between.

2. Pick out your most decorative buttons. My selection was kind of boring. Does that say something about my wardrobe?! I used 2-3 buttons per tack.

3. Pair up your buttons

4. One by one, place glue on tack, top with button. Place glue on next button and layer on top the first button. Continue for as many tacks as you would like. Be careful not to use too much glue. It only takes a little.

5. Let dry. I let mine dry overnight.

6. Voile, pretty push pins!

I made a few extra for my tiny bulletin board!  LOL

Monday, February 6, 2012

One Month Down!

We did it!  One month down without buying anything new for ourselves….only 11 months to go!  We’re still a long way from reaching our goal but we’re up for the challenge.